Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Google Business Photos Atlanta

Google Business Photos & A List Of Google Trusted Photographers

Google Business Photos is a new feature whereby small business owners can hire "Trusted Photographers" to take high quality photos of their business to spruce up their Google Places business profile and page. Although still photos can be used, the ultimate opportunity is for the small business owner to have the photographer create a virtual panoramic view of their business. This is especially valuable to a business where atmosphere and visual presentations make a difference. A good example is the Street View Gallery which let's Google users get a good idea of your business environment.

As with most Google roll-outs, the Google Business Photos feature with the work of Trusted Photographers was available in only a limted number of markets. Now this opportunity has been greatly expanded. Our Atlanta internet marketing company has teamed up with a local Trusted Photographer to offer our local clients the best level of service for Google Business Photos.

Business owners can certainly hire any photographer to provide images for Google Business Photos however the relationship between Google and the Trusted Photographer offers some advantages in terms of the photographer having proper equipment, and knowing the exact output specifications for the deliverables to meet Google standards. It is worth mentioning thta hiring a Trusted Photographer has some strings attached. Notably that Google reserves the rights to your pictures and you give Google implied consent to use your photos in other ways.

How Google Business Photos Works

As a business owner you can hire your own photographer or hire a Trusted Photographer. In either case, you make all arrangements with the chosen photographer and move on to complete the photo shoot. The still photos, or composite panoramic view, can then be prepared and uploaded to update your Google My Business page and/or Google+ business page. In less than a week, your new photos can be online and working to promote your business.

Again, because of some of the special requirements, we do recommend hiring a Trusted Photographer for optimal assurance that the work will be properly done.

List of Google Trusted Photographers

To help you get started in the right direction, you may be interested in viewing this List of Google Trusted Photographers. Make a few calls and learn more about their services and rates for Google Business Photos.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Recovery After Google Penguin Update

Post Penguin Recovery Process – part I

Published on by:

In the wake of the Google Penguin update, there are literally hundreds of thousands of site owners who are desperately seeking information on how to recover after Penguin. Although there is no quick fix or silver bullet solution, there are things that can be done to amend the offending issues. This article will provide a Phase I approach to solving website ranking problems.

Google Penguin made a loud statement about unnatural backlinks, and related backlink patterns that seem spammy or dubious. Working to manage backlink issues is the first step to solving your problems. Most likely it is NOT going to be quick or easy, however it is an essential process – unless you want to start completely over with a new domain name.

Penguin Recovery Step 1

Check backlinks to identify potential problems. You can use free backlink checker tools to generate a list of backlinks to your domain. Most of the free backlink checker tools do not provide a truly complete list of backlinks however they are extremely useful. You want to look for patterns such as an excessive number of links from a single site or domain, links from site that appear to be totally unrelated as they may be part of a link farm, and links from article submission sites.

DISCLAIMER: Below, we are showing EzineArticles merely as an example of a WHOIS lookup for an article submission site. We are not implying or stating that use of their site has or can cause search egine related problems. Google has not specifically identified this site as a source of ranking issues.

Penguin Recovery Step 2

Remove backlinks that are spammy or questionable. The removal of backlinks is the most challenging part of the process. This is true because it takes a lot of time to manually access and remove each link, and many of the links are on site where you do not have the direct ability to remove links to your site. When you do not have control access to a site where a backlink exists you can use a WHOIS Lookup Tool to identify the owner of the website (URL). Some WhoIs lookups will return incomplete information, and other queries will not yield information if the domain owner is using any type of privacy protection. For those domains where the can find the site owners physical address or email address you can send correspondence to request that they remove links to your site.

Link Removal Request Text

To request removal of a link you should make a sincere and polite request to remove links. We advise against using any threatening or emotionally charged language. A sample message is as follows:

Dear Site Owner,

A WhoIs lookup indicated that you are the owner of the domain name (insert domain of site showing link to your site). We request that you remove all links from this site, or any others that you control, which may point to


Your Name Here

Your expectations for site owners to remove links should be rather low however any actions are better than no actions. Remember that these site owners have no motivation, beyond being respectful, to help your cause. If a paid service has placed these links on your behalf it is difficult to imagine that they will devote free time to undo their work.

If your website has experienced significant rank losses after Penguin you cannot afford to be passive, and think that all will be resolved on its own. You should be proactive and take this time to clean up the loose ends in your internet marketing.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Google Places and Gogle+ Now Merged

Google To Merge Google Places with Google+

Published on by: James H. Hobson

Google has made another bold move in online content structure by deciding to merge Google Places into Google+.  Industry analysts belive that the strategy behind this change is to position Google to increase market share in the rapidly growing, and highly profitable, world of mobile advertising.  Many of these people also see this as a way to "encourage" more people to join Google+.

Here is a video that shows you aspects of the changes:

About the New Look

When Google+ users login to their Google+ home page, they will find a sidebar link for Google Places.  Google+ is becoming a very personalized asset for accessing the online information that you need, all from one central point - your own Google+ page.

Google Places will now include Zagat's reviews instead of the previous 5-Stars rating system.  Google owns Zagat's and has now found an excellent manner to leverage its authority reputation.

The new online presentation is a much richer user experience, and provides a very ample amount of relevant information about a particular business.  It does appear to be a format that is going to be more advantageous for a business which can afford to create high quality content (including videos) versus the small business which may not have the budget to market in a robust manner.

Google+ Advantages and Opportunities

As with any change, there are opportunities which can become advantages for those who are first-movers.  The die has been cast, so this new format IS a reality.  Accordingly, the smart business owner or manager will contact an internet marketing company to get Google Places consulting and/or Google Places and Google+ help to leverage every part of this new situation.

Google+ and a Positive ROI?

For Google there certainly will be a very positive ROI, and there certainly should be for savvy business owners who have customers that arrive via mobile search . . . but then again, isn't this what local search advertising is all about?  The likeability factor of merging local search with social media may not initially be enthusiastic however people will adapt.  What may start out as no-big-deal could prove to be a huge traffic driver for many businesses. Certainly the industry stats on mobile use, advertising investments and click through rates indicate a steady year-after-year growth that has not shown any signs of leveling off.

The bottom line is that themerging of Google Places with Google+ is something that will impact your business.  Whether it impacts your business in a positive or negative manner has a lot to do with how quickly you react, and the actions you take to make the most of this opportunity.